If you plan to use Bluestacks for Instagram app then you should purchase virgin instagram proxies.
The blow steps can also be used on Mac OS X.
Step 1. Download and install BlueStacks, once the installation will complete the installer will run the program automaticly. If your internet access is trough the proxy via ProxyCap already you can get stuck at "Downloading runtime data", if this is the case then just Quit BlueStacks and follow the next steps
Step 2. For the BlueStacks to work on your computer using a proxy server first we must set up in ProxyCap 2 types of proxies servers a HTTP and a HTTPS one.
Step 3. Right Click on the ProxyCap taskbar icon and select Configuration ( you can find the ProxyCap icon in the right side of your taskbar)

Step 4. On ProxyCap form the left menu click on "Proxies" category and press the "New" button from the right ProxyCap toolbar

Step 5. On the display name you can place the proxy ip or you can write "my http proxy", the display name is required so you can better identify the used proxy.
From the "Type" dropdown select HTTP.
On "Hostname" place your proxy ip, on "Port" place your proxy port

Leave the checkbox "Proxy requires authentification" unchecked if you are using your proxies with ip-auth, if you are using the proxies with password-auth then check the proxy requires authentification checkbox and enter your proxies username and password.
Hit OK

Step 6. In this step we will add the HTTPS proxy, repeat steps 4 and 5 and instead of HTTP proxy type add HTTPS

Step 7. Now we will create the ProxyCap routing rules for BlueStacks. 2 routes will be addeed one for the HTTP connection and one for the HTTPS connection.
On ProxyCap form the left menu click on "Rules" category and press the "New" button from the right ProxyCap toolbar

Step 8. Once the rules section is opened in the "Rule Action Proxy" section, select the display name of your HTTP proxy.
In the "Program" section select specify checkbox and click on the right "browse" button to specify the path of Bluestacks "HD-Network.exe".

After clicking the browse button you will have to find the BlueStaks program folder, so navigate to C: Program Files for Win 32Bit or to C: Program Files (x86) for Win 64Bit, select HD-Network.exe and press Open button

In the "Destination Port Range", select Specify and then enter 80 in the first port field, also in the "Rule Name" enter a name for the rule you just created, in our example is "bluestaks HTTP", and press OK button.

It should look like this

Step 9. Now we will add the HTTPS rule, so repeat Steps 7 and 8 and instead of HTTP select HTTPS proxy, and instead of port 80 on the "Destination Port Range" enter 443.
The Rules section should look like this

Save configuration by clicking OK. Now you are ready to go using BlueStacks on your computer trough a proxy.